It's the most wonderful time of the year. It was 50 years ago in 1963, that two men wrote a song that is still listened to by many of us at this time of year. "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" was originally written by Edward Pola and George Wyle and was popularized by Andy Williams as a Christmas song. However, the title and the thoughts send a message much more ecumenical than just one holiday. The message resonates with all of us who have celebrations whether divine or secular in nature at this time of year.

There are a large number of celebrations that take place during this season. Some celebrate people, some celebrate significant events, and some celebrate divine entities. The giving of gifts is part of some celebrations while giving of service is included in others. Some celebrations have been traditional for thousands of years and some for less than half a century.

The universal message that resonates through all of these seasonal celebrations is the sentiment of peace and good will. None of them celebrate violence or hatred. That is what makes this truly the most wonderful time of the year.

At this time Wanda and I would like to wish all Auxiliarists and other members of the Coast Guard family Happy Holidays. In so doing we refer to all holidays celebrated during this - the most wonderful time of the year. We recognize the diversity that enriches us all and brings us closer together as we celebrate according to the customs with which we are most comfortable.

Please be safe during the holiday season. We look forward to an exciting year in 2014, which will be the Coast Guard Auxiliary's 75th year as the best trained most valued maritime volunteer organization in the world!


Tom Mallison
National Commodore