Category: General Auxiliary

Congress honored the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary with a proclamation read by Rep. Nick LaLota recognizing the significant and enduring contributions of Auxiliarists across the nation. Lieutenant Chris Booth from the Office of the Chief Director of Auxilia… more »
All persons desiring appointment or reappointment as an ANACO, or National Director for the term beginning 1 November 2024 must submit a resume and relevant information no later than 1 August of the current year.  Applications for appointment as a Deputy… more »
By John Saran, AUXPA1, District Captain East, Auxiliary Ninth Western Region (CG District 9) Published in MYCG at 6 ways Auxiliarists can support their local units > United States Coast Guard > My Coast Guard News ( more »
The Charlevoix Flotilla, Glen Stolt FC, and Coast Guard Station Charlevoix sponsored the 2023 annual Boat School from June 9th through June 11th, 2023. The goal of Boat School is to get Crew and Coxswains with their PQS complete, qualified by a QE check… more »
An Auxiliarist from District 7 is commissioned Ensign in the Coast Guard Reserve.Master-at-Arms Second Class, MA2 Gary Rodriguez, U.S. Navy Reserve (USNR), was looking to engage in community service beyond his Navy Reserve billet. He was aware of the… more »
Aug. 10, 2023 An icebreaker’s summer break on the Great Lakes   By John Saran, Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialist 1, District Captain — Area East, Ninth Coast Guard District Auxiliary (District 9WR) What does an icebreaking tug do on the Great… more »
Photo by Brian KrotserJune 16, 2023 Joint operations event sees active duty and Auxiliary crews prepare for a busy SAR season By John Saran, AUXPA1, District Captain — Area East, Auxiliary District 9WR The SAR alarm sounded, beckoning active duty and… more »
Photo -- On March 25, 2022, the Maritime Law Enforcement Academy honored Auxiliarists Kathy and Mike Pascale for their service as Ombudsmen to Academy families. Pictured (left to right) CAPT Randy Brown, MLEA CO, Kathy and Mike Pascale, CMC Ed Briganti a… more »
Commodore Mary Kirkwood rose through the ranks of Auxiliary leadership over a twenty year-period by leveraging her forty years of nursing experience and her passion for teaching. Her initial entry to the National Bridge started with her term as Deputy Na… more »
Auxiliarists Robert Bohm, William Jacobs, Jr., and Harvey Miller from the First District - Southern Region have received the 2022 Association for Rescue at Sea (AFRAS) Silver Award. The Silver Medal is awarded for extraordinary bravery in a rescue at sea… more »
As we celebrate Black History Month, while embracing and recognizing our collective culture and diversity everyday, we would like to recognize the achievements and struggles of Black Americans throughout U.S. History. The Coast Guard and Coast Guard Au… more »
He stuffed towels under the door to the adjoining garage in the hope of stopping a sudden, unexpected flow of seawater, but the brine would not be denied. Defeated, Terry Schwinghammer retreated to the stairs leading to the family's living quarters, and… more »
It was early on March 1, 1968, when armed U.S. Army helicopters joined U.S. Coast Guard and Navy warships giving chase to four enemy trawlers making way down the South China Sea intent on resupplying Viet Cong forces with weapons. The combined intercepts… more »
For Doug Cream, a nightmare is "Waking up and having nothing to do." Accordingly, his To-Do list is full, with many entries involving the U.S. Coast Guard and Auxiliary.A former Assistant New York State Attorney General and trial counsel at a Buffalo l… more »
The primary purpose of Public Affairs (PA) is to "tell the story” of the U.S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary. Public Affairs Officers (PAOs) conduct PA efforts at the flotilla, division, and district levels. They also augment Coast Guard units as… more »
District elections are scheduled to be held on multiple weekends through October 15 th . The results will be updated the week after each election is held and posted to the What’s New site. National Commodore Alex Malewski is pleased to announce the fo… more »
One of his priorities when Capt. Tom Walcott became Chaplain of the Coast Guard was to re-energize the Coast Guard Auxiliary chaplain program. From a small group of six Auxiliary Chaplains in 2017, the Auxiliary Chaplain Support (ACS) program has expande… more »
District elections are scheduled to be held on multiple weekends through October 15 th. The results will be updated the week after each election is held and posted to the What’s New site. National Commodore Alex Malewski is pleased to announce the follo… more »
On July 6, 2022, Auxiliarist Michael Barth was commissioned as an ensign in the United States Coast Guard Reserve. Ensign Barth made this transition after more than five impactful years of service in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Highlights of his service… more »
District 5th Northern Winners -- Joseph Giannattasio, District Commodore Photography Category – Operations- COMO Joseph Giannattasio Division 8, Flotilla 2, District 5NR District 5th Southern Winners -- Allen Fredd, District Commodore Division… more »
On Friday, August 19, elections were held at the Auxiliary National Convention in Orlando, Florida. The National Leadership team for the 2022-2024 term was elected by the Auxiliary National Bridge. Our leaders for this coming term are: National Co… more »
District elections are scheduled to be held on multiple weekends through October 15th The results will be updated the week after each election is held and posted to the What’s New site. National Commodore Alex Malewski is pleased to announce the follow… more »
The first wave of Auxiliarists deployed to the U.S. Southwest Border (SWB) are now returning home with the gratitude of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP), the U.S. Coast Guard, the Auxiliary, and t… more »
The U.S. Coast Guard has an ever-increasing need for officer candidates in the twenty-first century. The Auxiliary University Program (AUP), a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary lead leadership development program established in 2007, prepares college students f… more »
Our Auxiliary is a diverse organization. Its members serve the U.S. Coast Guard in multiple areas, contributing variety to our missions, training, and qualifications. We are qualified in Vessel Safety Checks, boating safety course instruction, boat crew… more »
Auxiliarist Ralph “Greg” Hendricks of the Central Brevard Flotilla (17-6) in District 7 was recognized with the 2022 COMO Charles S. Greanoff Inspirational Leadership Award in May 2022. This award recognizes the Flotilla Commander who best exemplifies th… more »
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will celebrate with its 83rd birthday June 23, and there has never been a better time to join America’s Volunteer Guardians. The Auxiliary encourages enthusiastic and motivated people help make an impact keeping America’s w… more »
Many Auxiliarists have resided in their respective communities for years. Over time, they have established long-standing personal and professional connections within their communities. Those that wish to volunteer their time in the Coast Guard Recruiting… more »
WASHINGTON - Adm. Karl L. Schultz was relieved as Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard by Adm. Linda L. Fagan during a military change-of-command ceremony presided over by President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Wednesday at Coast Guard Headquarters. Immediately… more »
Pursuant to the Auxiliary Manual, all Auxiliary staff officers are appointed by, and serve at, the elected appointing Auxiliarist's pleasure.  A staff officer's appointment starts and ends with the term of the appointing leader unless the appointment is… more »
Leaders of the Auxiliary must possess the skills to ensure the success of their units and assist members in developing their skills and abilities. The necessary tools to help develop these skills can be obtained through the Auxiliary Leadership and Devel… more »
Chief Journalist (ret.) Alex Haley won a Pulitzer Prize in 1977 for his ground-breaking book, Roots: The Saga of an American Family, which remained on the New York Times bestseller list for twenty-two weeks. Before Haley was famous, he served twenty year… more »
  View the Recorded Action on YouTube   If you missed the live streaming of the NTRAIN 2022 meetings, the sessions were recorded and can be viewed on the US Coast Guard Auxiliary National Events channel.   Sessions include ADM Schultz - Commandan… more »
When it comes to the Coast Guard’s role in the 22-year tradition of Chicago’s Christmas Ship, the effort is definitely an all-hands evolution. Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw moors at Chicago's Navy Pier December 4, 2021, in preparation for unloadin… more »
Longtime Auxiliarist and former U.S. Coast Guard Women’s Reservist Lois Bouton crossed the bar on Saturday, January 29, 2022. She leaves behind a legacy spanning over the course of her 102-year lifetime. Her steady contributions to the U.S. Coast Guard a… more »
U.S. Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach will be featured in an episode of MasterChef in 2022, and an auxiliarist, Barry A. Chapman, had the pleasure of being part of this unique experience. When Chapman showed up on 20 OCT 21 for his normal ei… more »
National Commodore Alex Malewski is pleased to announce the election of George Tate as the new 8 Coastal Central Region District Captain. Congratulations! more »
Going Above The Call: The 2020 Winner Of The Commodore Daniel Maxim Award For Excellence In Public Education. Mr. Casale is pictured here in his Tropical Blue Uniform. Photo by Cono Casale, USCG AUX. Auxiliarist Cono “Buddy” Casale of Seventh Distri… more »
During the recent Virtual National Board meeting COMO Malewski mentioned that a webpage would be established to post NACON Award recipients. This site is now available and begins with 2020 NACON awards. It will be updated after NACON each year.… more »
Beyond Volunteering: Auxiliarists Receive The 2021 AFRAS Silver Medal Award For Lifesaving Mission Chicago-based Auxiliarists, Gary Markle and Shelley Markle, received high honors, the 2021 Silver Medal Award, for their lifesaving efforts at an Associa… more »
The new virtual museum of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (VMCGA) launched on the A-Directorate, History Division’s website on October 6th, 2021, after a year of dedicated preparation by the History Division staff. A visit will likely surprise you. Its digital exhibits provide a glimpse into the Auxiliary’s unique eighty-two-year history and honor the organization’s heritage and culture. more »
Auxiliarist of the Year honored at Grand Haven Coast Guard FestivalCommandant of the Coast Guard Admiral Karl L. Schultz and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Jason M. Vanderhaden joined active duty, reserve and Auxiliary Coast Guard person… more »
Patrick M. Brown of Mount Juliet, TENN.Name Coast Guard "Auxiliarist of the Year"     Developed Secure Cyber Election Process for 26,000 Member Organization During COVID Crisis; Assisted in Local Storm Damage Recovery Efforts. Patrick M. Brown o… more »
Alexander R. Rico has been named the recipient of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary’s prestigious Commodore Charles S. Greanoff Inspirational Leadership Award for 2021 in recognition of his numerous contributions as flotilla commander of the First Dist… more »
by: S. Scott Alfassa. It’s more common than some would think, but a simple paddleboarding excursion can often turn tragic. In this case, a lost paddleboarder’s plight cascaded into an inter-agency rescue mission—one with a positive outcome. On Augus… more »
2021 District elections are scheduled to be held between August 8 and October 17th. The results will be updated and posted to the What’s New site the week after each election National Commodore Alex Malewski is pleased to announce the following Distr… more »
News ReleaseFLORIDA FLOTILLA 59 EARNS COAST GUARD AUXILIARY’SNATIONAL “FLOTILLA OF THE YEAR” HONOR United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 59 of Stuart, FL has been selected as the Auxiliary’s National Flotilla of the… more »
For the past 82 years, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary has served our nation, selflessly volunteering to contribute to the safety and security of our citizens, ports, waterways, and coastal regions. Our main goal is recreational boating safety and educa… more »
Two Auxiliarists from D1 South and one Auxiliarist from D7 awarded the 2020 Captain Niels P. Thomsen Innovation Award Auxiliarist Alvaro Ferrando of Doral, Fla. has been named a Coast Guard Auxiliary Achievement winner of the Coast Guard’s 2020 Captain Neils P. Thomsen Innovatio… more »
AUXAIR Teamed with Hawaii Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Last December 2020, AUXAIR teamed with the Hawaii Wildlife Rehabilitation Center located on Hawaii Island to help save aLanaiIsland critically endangered fledgling Wedge-tailed Shearwater shorebir… more »
30-Year Auxiliary Member David G. McClure Receives Coveted Coast Guard "CHIEF" Honor   SANDWICH, Mass. – David G. McClure of Wareham, Mass., a 30-year member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, has beennamed an “Honorary Chief” by the U.S. Coast Guard… more »
1NR District Commodore, Byron Moe District Chief of Staff, David McClure District Captain Sector Northern New England, Henry Marchi District Captain Sector Boston, Glen Gayton District Captain Sector Southern New England, Patrick Cunniff 1SR… more »
National Commodore Larry King is pleased to announce the District election results to include October 23: 1NR District Commodore, Byron Moe District Chief of Staff, David McClure District Captain Sector Northern New England, Henry Marchi Distri… more »
National Commodore Larry King is pleased to announce the District election results to include October 3rd: 1NR District Commodore, Byron Moe District Chief of Staff, David McClure District Captain Sector Northern New England, Henry Marchi Distri… more »
National Commodore Larry King is pleased to announce the District election results to include September 25 - 27:1NRDistrict Commodore, Byron MoeDistrict Chief of Staff, David McClureDistrict Captain Sector Northern New England, Henry MarchiDistrict Capta… more »
National Commodore Larry King is pleased to announce the recent District Election results:1SRDistrict Captain Sector Long Island Sound North: Michael WestDistrict Captain Sector Long Island Sound South: Thomas DickDistrict Captain New York North: Michael… more »
National Commodore Richard Washburn is pleased to announce the election results of the following Districts:1NRDistrict Commodore, Charles GrossimonDistrict Chief of Staff, Byron MoeDistrict Captain Sector Northern New England, Duane MintonDistrict Captai… more »
Commodore King would like to thank all Auxiliarists who recently applied for 2018 - 2020 ANACO or Director positions. There were a record number of resumes submitted from highly qualified Auxiliarists, making the selection process extremely difficult. Al… more »
Election Results NACON 2018 National Commodore Richard Washburn is pleased to announce the results of the election for the 2018-2020 National Board. Their term of office will begin on November 01, 2018. National Commodore – COMO Larry King… more »
An updated schedule of events for N-Train 2018 in St. Louis is now available on the website at for your viewing. SOURCE: [Martin Phillips, Executive Director] more »
National Commodore Richard Washburn is pleased to announce election results for District 9WR:DCAPT East, Norm PearceDCAPT South, Dave MartinDCAPT West, Harvey RandallCongratulations to all! Source: [Terry Barth, N-EA] more »
New Human Resources Directorate leadershipDirector: Todd MonisDeputy Director Human Resources: David McArtinDeputy Director Coast Guard Support: Jim McClellandSource: Fred Gates, DNACO Pacific Area and Mission Support more »
D7 DCAPT-N, Patricia McMenamin DCAPT-W, Frank Wondolkowski DCAPT-E, William Bartley  (newly elected) Congratulations to all! Source: [Terry Barth, N-EA] more »
Additional information concerning planned training at NACON 2016 in Phoenix, AZ is now available for viewing at If you have not already registered or reserved your hotel room for NACON 2016, please do so at your earl… more »
Letters of Intent for ANACO and Director Positions Pursuant to Article 1 subsection 1.3 (b) (1) of the National Standing Rules, prior to 01 June in the year that a national election is conducted the National Commodore will give notice through the C… more »
Auxiliarist David Lau's photograph recreating the USCG Postage Stamp is in the final running for the USCG Photo of the Year.  Please visit… more »
The Human Resources Directorate is now sharing the Coast Guard's Health, Safety. Work-life Directorates newsletter: The Wellness Scale.  The November issue can be found here. more »
National Strategic Plan Update Contents of Post: National Commodore Mark Simoni, the National Bridge and senior staff, would like to share their priorities with you in their updated post of the National Strategic Plan. You may view the updated at 2014-2… more »
Information on the National Auxiliary Convention (NACON) in San Antonio is available at The workshop information was recently updated to include additional training sessions. Additionally, links for making your hot… more »
Kelly L. Townsend, DIR-B has recently been appointed as one of the Coast Guard Auxiliary's three representatives to the Governing Board of the United Safe Boating Institute (USBI). He is joining the current USBI President, Capt. William S. Griswold, USC… more »
The current issue of the eBEACON newsletter is availablefor viewing. Click here to viewthis issue. source: more »
Thanksgiving Message from Commodore Simoni Thanksgiving Day is the time to reflect on the things for which we are grateful; it's an opportunity to count our blessings. For most of us, that list might start out with family and friends. We can add thin… more »
The U.S. Coast Guard and the USCG Auxiliary takes data security very seriously. In order to maintain our high level of data integrity, the Auxiliary's Learning Management System (AUXLMS) will be instituting a global password reset tomorrow, Thursday, 4… more »
Due to a recent U.S. Coast Guard security directive, all users of the Auxiliary's information system of record, AUXDATA, and the AUXDATA Order Management system, AOM, have been tasked to perform a password reset when entering either system after 1400 on… more »
Please click here for Issue 2, Volume 1 of the Human Resources Directorate Newsletter - Keeping You Posted. more »
COMDINST M1670.1G (USCG Auxiliary Manual) has been enhanced with approved change annotations through June 6, 2014 and is now available at This USCG Auxiliary Manual is also known as AuxMan. All refe… more »
The HRD has published a new Prospective Members Brochure for distribution. The two sided brochure can be located and downloaded at the HRD New Member Packet page and choosing Prospective Member Brochure. more »
The deadline for submitting your applications for National Awards (administered by NAC) is May 31, 2014. Award applications and instructions for submission are found on the National Association of Commodores web page. Source [P-NAC, Edward Livingston… more »
The host for the Online Districts Material Store website recently transitioned to a new look site. We are experiencing issues with the new site. The host is working the issues and hopefully will have a fix shortly. When you use the site, complete your… more »
The New VSC Decal Distribution release letter and SOP have been posted in the MEMBERS ONLY area of the V-Dept website.Source [William J. Howard, DVC-VC] more »
To All Auxiliarists and their families, From the very beginning we Americans have pulled together through adversity and then gathered together to give thanks for what we have done and with what we are blessed to have. Nearly 400 years ago our forefather… more »
With the recent Congressional action, a continuing resolution is in place, so the Auxiliary is now able to resume all normal Auxiliary activities. According to the news, the government is funded for the next 90 days through 15 January, and the debt c… more »
Please review the NACO Guidance #6 by clicking here. Source [Anne Lockwood, N-EA] more »
Please review the NACO Guidance #5 - Government Shutdown Guidance by clicking here. Source [Anne Lockwood, N-EA] more »
Recent updates to the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers for Windows PCs have resulted in compatibility issues with some Auxiliary web based services (some functions no longer work, displays format differently, pages hang, etc). In addition, recent v… more »
The new Initial and Five Year Currency Maintenance TCT Workshop resource materials, announced in ALAUX -10/13 on 08 AUG, are now available. Take a look at the Response Directorate Education Division page [… more »
The deadline for submitting your applications for National Awards is May 31, 2013. Award applications and instructions for submission are found on the NAC ( more »
National Commodore Thomas C. Mallison is pleased to announce the following appointments for National Staff. These appointments were made in accordance with the process described in the AUXMAN, and concurrence of the Chief Director has been received:… more »
Linked below are V Directorate's End-of-Year 2012 VE and PV Reports (based on AuxInfo) of VE's & PV's. Please pass this information on to all VE's and PV's. < target ="_blank" href="… more »
Effective January 27, 2013 the U. S. Postal rates have increased. Letters not exceeding weight of one ounce will now require $.46 cents of postage. Forever stamps need no additional postage; however, for Government postage requires 2 – $.23 stamps or t… more »
All Auxiliarists As we gather to celebrate the holidays, Wanda and I would like to offer our wishes for a happy and peaceful season and the best of all good things in the coming New Year. The glue that binds the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary into the wo… more »
The Strategic Plan for 2013 &emspace; 2017 has been posted to the Leadership page. The plan includes information about the organization of the Coast Guard Auxiliary in addition to the Mission, Vision, and Value statements. Also included are the Strat… more »
The Standard Operating Procedures Guide (SOP) has been updated adding Appendix A and Appendix B. Please click here to see the newly posted version. more »
The BoatUS Grassroots Grants Program is an online grant program which makes funds available to nonprofit organizations, boating clubs and student groups for projects that promote safe and/or clean boating on local waterways. The link to their official a… more »
In September 1620 a boat with 102 passengers and 30 crew set sail from Plymouth, England, bound for a location near the mouth of the Hudson River. In November, 66 days later, they reached land far north of the river, having been blown off course by seve… more »
User Account Changes: Access will now be locked after 90 days of inactivity and deleted after 365 days of inactivity.Passwords still need to be changed every 90 days. Source [Marilyn S. McBain, DVC-UI] more »
NACO(e) Thomas C. Mallison is pleased to announce the following appointments for two-year terms of office beginning 01 November 2012. These appointments were made in accordance with the process described in the AUXMAN, and concurrence of the Chief Direc… more »
San Antonio - Photographs from the Coast Guard Auxiliary's annual national convention, currently being held here, are beginning to be available on the Internet at the following URL: ; ms… more »
SAN ANTONIO ­ Coast Guard Auxiliary senior leaders today elected Commodore Thomas C. Mallison of Bear Lake, Mich. as our organization's national commodore for a two-year term beginning November 1, 2012.  The election was held at the Coast Guard Auxiliary… more »
National Commodore James E. Vass, Jr. is pleased to announce the appointment of Commodore Sigurd E. Murphy as Legal Liaison Committee Chair. COMO Murphy will assist District Commodores with the selection of Legislative Liaison Representatives (LLR), crea… more »
Join the NACON 2012 Fiesta in San Antonio, TX, which will feature a variety of Workshops. Workshops will be available on Friday and Saturday (August 24 and 25). For a list of the workshops available, go to the link and click on Workshop Schedule: http://… more »
The member-training website known as the “U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Virtual Classroom” has moved to a new location, and is now called the “Coast Guard Auxiliary – Online Classroom”. The new link (URL) to the Online Classroom is http://classroom.cgaux.or… more »
Go to to view information on the 2012 Auxiliary National Convention scheduled for August 22-26 in San Antonio, TX at the Hyatt Regency Riverwalk Hotel. Conference registration is open with links to both the online registration form… more »
The Recreational Boating Statistics for 2011 have been released. I'd encourage everyone to click on the link to the Adobe Acrobat file provided below from Frank Jennings, USCG Office of Boating Safety. Our members should become familiar with these statis… more »
According to the National Standing Rules, in the year that a national election is conducted, the National Commodore will give notice through the Chain of Leadership, posted on the Auxiliary website, and in an issue of the electronic national publication,… more »
National Commodore James E. Vass, Jr. is pleased to announce the winners of the four new Coasties, which were purchased by CG-BSX-1. The winners are: District 17, District 9CR, District 7 - Division - 12 Flotilla 10, and District 8ER. The winners were s… more »
ST. LOUIS - Severe weather damaged the Auxiliary National Supply Center(ANSC) last Saturday, April 28. The building is currently in non-operational status while personnel assess the damage and work toward getting the facility back up and running. A t… more »
The 2012 edition of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Grants Handbook is now available. The Grants Handbook includes information about several awards and grants available to Auxiliarists and Auxiliary units. Included is information about the BoatUS Foundat… more »
Auxiliary Websites and web-based applications are supported on modern browsers on both the Mac OS X and Windows platforms, using Firefox, Internet Explorer 7 and above, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari. "Modern" means browsers released in the last three… more »
Commodore Vass’s United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Strategic Plan 2012-2016, originally issued in November 2010, has been updated effective March, 2012. According to Assistant National Commodore for Planning and Performance Fred Gates, Auxiliary lea… more »
National Commodore James E. Vass, Jr. is pleased to announce the appointment of Kelly L. Townsend as Director of the National Department of Vessel Examination and Recreational Boating Safety Visitation. Kelly was previously Division Chief, Liaison Divisi… more »
The latest issue of the eBEACON publication is now available for viewing at Special articles on Auxiliary activities, member benefits and special sales at the Online District Materials Store. more »
The Training Department has received directions from Coast Guard FORCECOM Training (F-T) to move all Coast Guard Auxiliary courses from the current Coast Guard site by May 7th. In response to this directive, the Training Department, working with the Inf… more »
Prices for most U. S. Postal Service mailing will change on January 22, 2012. The increase will affect letters and postcards. Increases are as follows:Cards: Between 3½” x 5” x 0.007” and 4¼” x 6” x 0.016”Postage: 32¢ - Requires card stock quality… more »
The 2012 Surface Operations workshop materials are now available on the Response web site at This is an Optional training session for Auxiliarists participating in surface operations. more »