ANACO and DIR Letter of Intent

Letters of Intent for ANACO and Director Positions

Pursuant to Article 1 subsection 1.3 (b) (1) of the National Standing Rules, prior to 01 June in the year that a national election is conducted the National Commodore will give notice through the Chain of Leadership and Management, posted on the Auxiliary website, and in an issue of the electronic national publication, seeking the resume and relevant information from all persons desiring appointment or reappointment as ANACO or National Director for the following two years.

Please submit your resume and relevant information to VNACO Richard Washburn no later than 01 August 2016 if you wish to continue with your current assignment or if you wish to apply for a position as ANACO or Director. No applications for other positions on the national staff shall be forwarded to VNACO Washburn at this time.

Source [Terry Barth, N-EA]

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