V Dept Questions & Answers - Visual Distress Signals on Inland Waters http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/vqa.php en-US http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss Visual Distress Signals on Inland Waters <p><strong>Question</strong> What are the requirements (Federal and Florida) for carrying visual distress signals for inland waters where the point meeting the coastal waters is less than 2 miles.</p> <p><strong><em>Answer:</em></strong> <em>Both are the same, signals are not required on inland waters.</em> </p> <p><em>However, it is recommended, even though not required, that boats operating on inland waters should have some means of making a suitable day and night distress signal. The number and type of signals is best judged by considering conditions under which the boat will be operating.</em></p> <p><em>You need to remember, you may have a problem where your engine quits and cannot be restarted and with weather conditions, drift out into open waters with catastrophic results if you have no signals to fall back on. Even in inland protected waters, you could end up spending a very uncomfortable night on the waters without being seen. Without lights on a vessel, you also can be the victim of another boat running into you in the darkness as well. It all comes down to common sense.</em></p><div class="item_footer"><p><small><a href="http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/vqa.php/2012/05/10/visual-distress-signals-on-inland-waters">Original post</a> blogged on <a href="http://b2evolution.net/">b2evolution</a>.</small></p></div> http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/vqa.php/2012/05/10/visual-distress-signals-on-inland-waters