VDept Members Questions & Answers - How to Get Listed as a VE? http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/mqa.php en-US http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss How to Get Listed as a VE? <p><strong>Question:</strong> I have a person that has taken the VE course and test on line and passed, he has done 5-assisted VSC how does he get listed as a VE?</p> <p><em><strong>Answer:</strong> Once the successful exam passing and the 5 VEs are reported through the IS system, it may be automatic. Check with your local District as some require the Flotilla Commander send a letter to DIRAUX recommending that the member be certified as a VE and then DIRAUX makes final determination and the member is then certified.<em></em></em></p><div class="item_footer"><p><small><a href="http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/mqa.php/2012/05/29/how-to-get-listed-as-a-ve">Original post</a> blogged on <a href="http://b2evolution.net/">b2evolution</a>.</small></p></div> http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/mqa.php/2012/05/29/how-to-get-listed-as-a-ve