U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 03/12/2021 10:42 AM EST
R 121528Z MAR 21
ALCOAST 099/21
SSIC 5420
A. VCG Guidance on Travel and Community Outreach 24 Nov 2015
B. Coast Guard Conference Guide 01 May 2017
C. Military Assignments and Authorized Absences,
COMDTINST M1000.8 (series)
1. The 33rd Annual Joint Women's Leadership Symposium (JWLS)
will be held August 31-September 01, 2021 at the Norfolk
Waterside Marriott in Norfolk, VA. The annual symposium
is the largest gathering of women in uniform in the nation.
This year's symposium is built around the theme "Illuminating
Our Leaders: Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond" and will capture
the importance of a focused and clear path through career
and leadership development and recognizing the diverse group
of service members who lead by example in today's uniformed
services. The first day of the conference will be a Joint
Service day featuring plenary keynote sessions, joint breakout
discussions and networking, followed by a second day featuring
branch-specific sessions to promote discussion of topics such
as leadership, mentorship, military policy and family wellness
and networking with leadership.
2. While the focus of the affinity conference is identified in
the title, all conferences are open for ALL employees to attend,
regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. In alignment with the
Vice Commandant's "Carry Our Message" campaign, the Coast Guard
supports and encourages participation in affinity group symposiums
in an effort to increase the retention of a diverse and talented
workforce. These events are valuable professional development
opportunities that provide a forum for mentoring, networking,
and optimizing career success for the total workforce.
3. In accordance with REFs (A) and (B), the Office of Diversity
and Inclusion (CG-127) is the Coast Guard's coordinator for this
event and has responsibility to account for all attendance and
overall costs to DHS. Coast Guard funded attendance is limited.
All travel and registration fees will be covered by the member's
unit funds. To request attendance, members must submit a TDY
Travel Request Worksheet through their chain of command for
unit-level approval. Once command approval has been obtained,
members will email their approved TDY request to: no later than Friday, 04 June 2021.
Approval priority will be based on the following criteria:
(1) first time attendees, (2) junior members, and (3) all
others, with consideration given to leadership experience.
COMDT (CG-127) will issue final approval to attendees via
email no later than 02 Jul 2021. Once attendees are notified
that their attendance is approved, they may register for the
4. Commanding Officers/OICs are strongly encouraged to support
the professional development of civilian and military personnel.
However, attendance will be at the unit's expense. If funding
is not available:
a. For military members permissive orders are authorized
IAW CH 2.a.10. of REF (C). Attendance via permissive orders
is unlimited for military members, but members must notify
COMDT (CG-127) via email to: for
b. Commands are advised to be aware of the paragraph phrasing
required on all orders for attendees, it can be found located
in CH 1 G.2.d of REF (C).
c. For civilian employees, attendance including travel time
is considered work time. For civilian employees self-funding
attendance and travel, supervisory approval to attend during
work time (including a reasonable amount of travel time) must
be indicated by email, and reflected in the remarks section of
the employee's timecard. The remarks must state supervisory
approval that the employee is approved work and travel time
to attend the JWLS during his/her scheduled tour of duty from
31 August 2021 to 01 September 2021. The employee's attendance
at events outside of the employee's scheduled tour of duty is
not required and is at the employee's discretion; therefore,
overtime and compensatory time for work cannot be approved.
Civilians attending must notify COMDT (CG-127) via email
to: for accountability.
5. Due to the events of the COVID-19 pandemic, SSLA will be
closely monitoring the latest pandemic news and its effects
on the safety of traveling members for this symposium. Options
for virtual attendance or a live stream opportunity for those
who are not selected to attend or feel unsafe to travel are
being discussed and will likely be available for the event.
The discussions are currently underway, a message will be
sent out with the information as SSLA completes their plans
for the virtual element.
6. DHS requires a post-conference report 30 days after the
event. To comply, all travelers must submit a copy of their
completed travel claim settlement to COMDT (CG-127) via email
to: no later than 20 September 2021.
7. Symposium attendance information:
a. Agenda information and registration is available at: Attendees must register to
attend both days. Plan for events to conclude at 1700
each day.
b. Do not register until you have been approved by COMDT
(CG-127) to attend.
c. For interested members: There will be a Career Transitioning
Seminar on 02 Sept, 2021, the day following the completion of
the JWLS. The seminar is included in the registration costs
for those who are interested, or is $75 for the one day.
d. Uniform of the day is Tropical Blue Long.
e. Attendees are responsible for making their own travel and
lodging accommodations through ADTRAV. JWLS has a room block at
the govt rate at the host hotel: Norfolk Waterside Marriott
(address 235 E Main St. Norfolk, VA 23510). Due to the limited
amount of rooms and the number of military members traveling
these rooms will go quickly. This room block is only good until
27 August 2021.
f. Make all travel reservations AFTER you receive approval
from COMDT (CG-127).
8. This message is valid until September 01, 2021.
9. POC: LTJG Molly Sternberg, COMDT (CG-127), (202) 475-5004,
10. Ms. Michelle Godfrey, Director of Civilian Human Resources,
Diversity, and Leadership (CG-12), sends.
11. Internet release is authorized.