The USCG released a message re-affirming its Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination/Anti-Harrassment policy. The Coast Guard is dedicated to being the employer of choice for both military and civilian members and ensuring every member of our workforce, as well as those seeking to join our organization, are treated fairly and equally in recruitment, selection, assignment, training, and advancement. We will provide a work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.
This message is ALCOAST 4310/12.
More information for civil rights and diversity may be found at the Civil Rights Directorate CG-00H and the Office of Diversity CG-12B.
Follow up:
R 271339Z SEP 12
ALCOAST 430/12
1. The Coast Guard is dedicated to being the employer of choice for both military and civilian members and ensuring every member of our workforce, as well as those seeking to join our organization, are treated fairly and equally in recruitment, selection, assignment, training, and advancement. We will provide a work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.
2. This ALCOAST reaffirms my equal opportunity and anti-discrimination/anti-harassment policy statements and the direction I provided in my Shipmates 3 message: respect our shipmates, and amplified in my Shipmates 19: duty demands courage.
3. All commanders, commanding officers, officers in charge, assistant commandants and directors of staffs shall ensure the proper posting of these policy statements. Commands may access the equal opportunity policy statement and anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy statement at: Shipmates 3 may be accessed at:
4. Commands shall ensure that workplace expectations outlined in the equal opportunity and anti-discrimination/anti-harassment policy statements are communicated to all hands on a routine basis and posted in conspicuous areas of the unit.
5. Commanding officers, officers-in-charge, managers and supervisors are expected to exercise leadership to prevent disrespectful behavior, and take immediate action to address claims of inappropriate conduct and allegations of retaliation for raising claims of discrimination or harassment. Immediate inquiry into and prompt action to deal with such matters reduces potential negative impacts on mission execution, good order and discipline, and morale.
6. Commands are encouraged to contact their zone civil rights service providers for assistance and guidance regarding all equal opportunity and anti-discrimination/anti-harassment matters. A listing of zone civil rights service providers can be found at:
7. Let me be clear: there are no bystanders in the Coast Guard. Our duty to respect our shipmates demands each of us have the courage to take immediate action to prevent or stop these incidents from happening, whether at work or on liberty. I expect every Coast Guardsman will display the same courage in these circumstances as they would in rescuing someone in peril at sea.