The US Coast Guard Office of Diversity has released SITREP Two for OPTASK Diversity Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 to update efforts to operationalize the Commandant's Diversity Strategy.
The previous ALCOAST for FY12 OPTASK Diversity SITREP One provided updates for the first half of fical year 2012.
Follow up:
ALCOAST 411/12
A. U.S. Coast Guard Diversity Strategic Plan
B. U.S. Coast Guard Equal Opportunity Manual, COMDTINST M5350.4
1. As Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS), I am pleased to
provide a brief update of our efforts to operationalize the
Commandants Diversity Strategy. Since the last SITREP, we held a
very productive LEAD Council meeting in June and made significant
progress in developing the Leadership and Diversity Advisory Councils
(LDACs) at LANTAREA, PACAREA, DCMS, and DCO. A majority of field
LDACs are fully functional. This is evidenced by the increased
reports of community outreach, to include elevated Partnership In
Education activities at middle and high schools.
2. Ref (A) requires that quarterly progress reports and updates be
submitted to DCMS. The following highlights outline the progress and
initiatives accomplished in fiscal year 2012:
A. The Coast Guard participated in 20 diversity outreach events.
Nine Coast Guard members received recognition for their superior
performance and accomplishments at the Black Engineer of the Year
Awards Conference and the Joint Womens Leadership Symposium. (Goals 3
and 4)
B. At Headquarters, staffs in COMDT (CG-6) and COMDT (CG-9) took
advantage of available tools such as the Defense Equal Opportunity
Management Institute (DEOMI) Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS)
questionnaire to address and improve the overall climate within their
directorates. Intended for organizations with as few as 16 members
and suitable for military and/or civilian personnel, the
questionnaire uses the shared perceptions of an organizations members
to measure climate factors associated with military equal opportunity
(EO) issues, civilian equal employment opportunity (EEO) issues, and
sexual assault prevention and response (SAPR) issues, as well as
organizational effectiveness (OE) factors. The DEOCS allows leaders
to proactively assess organizational climate. Ref (B) requires that
a DEOCS survey be administered annually to assess the organizations
climate. Visit for more
information. (Goal 2)
C. To strengthen partnerships with Historically Black Colleges
and Universities, the Assistant Commandant for Engineering and
Logistics (COMDT (CG-4)) and the Director of Commercial Regulations
and Standards (COMDT (CG-5PS)) participated in a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony with Morgan State University
School of Engineering in January. MOUs such as this greatly increase
awareness of Coast Guard career opportunities. (Goal 3)
D. The Coast Guard Academy (CGA) entering class of 2016 has the
highest percentage in its history of women and underrepresented
minorities, 36 percent and 35 percent respectively. The level of
outreach by the entire Coast Guard, CGA Ambassador efforts, Coast
Guard Recruiting Command partnering, and exposure to CGA via the
campus visit program are key contributors to this success. (Goals 2
and 5)
3. Please continue to use your local LDACs to share information,
gain clarity on policies impacting our people, and share best
4. Point of contact: CAPT L. Mathieu, COMDT (CG-12B).
5. VADM Manson K. Brown, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support,
6. Internet release authorized.