Nominate Someone for USCG Auxiliary Diversity Champion of the Quarter

Do you know someone who’s made a positive impact on the workplace climate of your District, Division or Flotilla?   Nominate them as a Diversity Champion of the Quarter to the Diversity/Inclusion department representative Bruce Perri, BC-DAE.

Each nomination letter should be no more than one full page in length, and should describe the nominee’s actions in support of the NACO’s Diversity Policy Statement and Strategic Plan for Managing Diversity.  Nominations should include the member’s name, District, Division, Flotilla, and a photo.

Actions that support the Diversity/Inclusion mission include, but are not limited to mentoring members, conducting local outreach; positively representing the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary in underrepresented and/or diverse communities; and improving the workplace climate for all members.  Any member may be eligible for nomination.

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