Operational tasking (OPTASK) diversity FY2012 SITREP one

ALCOAST 143/12 announced that the USCG Office of Diversity (CG-12B) released SITREP One for Operational Tasking (OPTASK) diversity for fiscal year 2012. Click here to read this general message.

Follow up:

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ALCOAST 143/12



1. In Jan 2010, Commander Atlantic Area (LANTAREA), Commander Pacific Area (PACAREA), Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO), and Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS) developed diversity action plans relevant to their organizational focus in an effort to optimize workforce readiness and meet the maritime challenges of the 21st century. The resultant plans identified action items that would help the Coast Guard achieve its strategic diversity goals as outlined in ref a.

2. Ref A requires that quarterly progress reports and updates be submitted to DCMS. The following updates are provided to outline the progress and initiatives that have been accomplished in the last quarter.

A. The Coast Guard participated in 42 diversity outreach events in order to expand outreach and recognize our personnel. 11 Coast Guard members received recognition for their superior performance and accomplishments at the women of color science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) conference, the great minds in stem conference, and the Mana Las Primeras gala. (Goals 3 and 4)

B. Master Chief Leavitt (Master Chief petty officer of the Coast Guard) and Master Chief Allen (Master Chief of the Coast Guard reserve force) recorded their respective diversity video messages to communicate the importance of diversity and inclusion as essential to developing and sustaining mission excellence while ensuring our ability to meet the unique challenges of the future. These videos, along with ADM Papp's message, are located on the office of diversity (COMDT (CG-12B)) web site (http://www.uscg.mil/diversity/). (Goal 2)

C. The Commandant’s leadership, excellence, and diversity (LEAD) council was formed by merging the legacy leadership advisory and diversity advisory councils and will act as a headquarters conduit for the services leadership and diversity advisory council (LDAC) network. The LEAD council held its inaugural meeting to establish a charter and address issues submitted by service members. (Goal 2)

d. COMDT (CG-12B) published the commanding officers diversity management guide, the awards chart and recognition table for commanding officers, the affinity group and strategic education partnerships guide, and the multicultural education internet resource guide. These tools provide members and leaders with valuable resources to assist in the enhancement of diversity programs throughout all levels of the service. These documents can be found on the COMDT (CG-12B) web site at http://www.uscg.mil/diversity/resources.asp. (Goal 2)

e. Enhancing an already vibrant relationship with the maritime industries academy (MIA), COMDT (CG-12B) liaised with the CGC Stratton to provide a tour for 25 high school students from the MIA in Baltimore. While on board, the students received a tour, spoke with the commanding officer and air crew, and learned more about Coast Guard career opportunities. The successful event received positive local media coverage providing further outreach and exposure to the greater Baltimore community. (Goal 3)

f. As a program for team Coast Guard members to volunteer and conduct outreach in their communities, members of the Compass program conducted seven outreach events providing increased exposure of the service to over 200 people. Additionally, members of MSU Chicago embraced their commitment to local outreach by forming a unit compass program. Local initiatives such as this serve as a force multiplier and help expand our collective diversity outreach efforts. More information about the compass program can be found at http://www.uscg.mil/diversity/compass.asp. (Goals 2 and 3)

g. Members of recruiting office Albuquerque and COMDT (CG-12B) collaborated to provide outreach at the Latino magazine Ahora student day program in Albuquerque, NM. Reaching over 300 students, the event provided a unique opportunity for the recruiting office to participate on a panel discussion alongside leaders from the department of the interior and the department of labor. Additionally, this participation will be highlighted in Latino magazine which has a national circulation of 50,000 targeting an audience of Latino opinion leaders, influencers, students, corporate executives, and members of Hispanic organizations. (Goal 3)

h. CAPT Jason Lyuke of the office of enterprise performance measurement, COMDT (cg-0954), assisted in creating and establishing the DHS Asian American Pacific Islander network (AAPIN). Officially chartered by DHS, AAPIN will provide an extensive network of professionals to provide mentoring and professional development ultimately aiding in the retention of our highly skilled and diverse workforce. (Goal 4)

i. The Coast Guard Academy (CGA) admissions office hosted two genesis events which bring high quality first generation and underrepresented minority (URM) students to CGA with a parent. As the most successful recruiting initiative for URMs at CGA, the two day program is designed for high school seniors interested in attending a service academy to experience cadet life and educates parents on the academic, athletic, and social dynamics of life at CGA. As a measure of the success of the event, last year’s programs had an 85 percent application completion rate and a 30 percent appointment rate. (Goal 3)

j. Optimizing training and education, the leadership development center imbedded diversity management training into all levels of leadership training such as LAMS, PCO/PXO school, leadership C schools and conferences. Having such training available will effectively underscore the value of workforce diversity and aid in the retention of our diverse talent. (Goal 5)

k. The CGA men’s lacrosse team travelled to Morgan State University (a historically black college and university (HBCU)) in Baltimore, MD for the second annual bears lacrosse and diversity open house. In addition to showcasing the sport of lacrosse through a spirited game between the two schools, the team planned a youth clinic to coincide with the game in order to spread awareness of Coast Guard opportunities and reach as many people as possible from diverse backgrounds and cultures. (Goal 3)

l. VADM Parker (Commander, LANTAREA) and VADM Brown (Commander, PACAREA) released a joint diversity message announcing the creation of LDACs at area, district, and major unit levels. Additionally, the joint message emphasizes diversity management as effective leadership that creates and sustains a climate and culture in which each individual team member has an equitable opportunity to contribute and reach his or her full potential. By emphasizing diversity management initiatives and practices, we maximize the Coast Guard’s ability to sustain mission effectiveness and posture our service to be a profession of choice. (Goals 1 and 2)

m. PACAREA and the Oakland Military Institute (OMI) signed a memorandum of agreement to create a mutually beneficial agreement providing OMI's richly diverse corps of cadets with access to facilities aboard Coast Guard Island in Alameda, CA while simultaneously introducing them to the Coast Guard. Since its inception, the partnership has grown to include a mentoring program and various events held at Coast Guard units and OMI's campus. (Goal 3)

n. Expanding outreach and strengthening partnerships with HBCUs, RADM Hewitt (Assistant Commandant for human resources (COMDT (CG-1)), RADM Cook (Deputy Commander, LANTAREA (LANT-09)), RDML Lee (Commander, district 5), RAM Day (Assistant Commandant for C4IT, chief information officer (COMDT (CG-6)), and RDML Mehling (Commander, force readiness command) hosted an HBCU summit on board CGC Legare. Administrators and students from Elizabeth City State University, Virginia State University, Hampton University, and Norfolk State University received an overview of Coast Guard officer accession programs, a presentation on the civilian application process for federal jobs and internships, and observed a search and rescue demonstration. This joint effort was exceptionally positive and authenticated the theme of enhancing career development through leadership, mentorship, and diversity. (Goal 3)

o. Members of the Assistant Commandant for acquisition (COMDT (CG-9)) staff conducted outreach at the Davis aerospace technical high school in Detroit, MI to provide an increased awareness of Coast Guard career opportunities. Consisting of primarily URM students, the schools mission is to develop technical skills and nurture a passion for pursuing careers in the aviation and aerospace industry. (Goal 3)

p. The Sector Hampton Roads LDAC held two focus groups at local units to facilitate discussion on promoting a professional workplace environment. Throughout the events, members discussed topics such as the importance of mentorship at all levels, the negative effects and impact of hazing on personnel and unit cohesion, and awareness of micro-aggressions in our daily interactions. The focus groups also provided a venue for members to identify and share issues and concerns with the LDAC for discussion and resolution if necessary.
(Goal 2)

3. Copies of Ref A along with other valuable diversity initiative information can be found on the Coast Guard office of diversity website at www.uscg.mil/diversity/resources.asp.




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