Diversity - 2011 A Year of Coast Guard Achievements in Diversity http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/index.php/diversity/?tempskin=_atom b2evolution 2025-01-23T12:16:46Z 2011 A Year of Coast Guard Achievements in Diversity Mary Gibbons http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/index.php/diversity/2012/01/12/2011-a-year-of-coast-guard-achievements-in-diversity 2012-01-12T06:35:54Z 2012-01-12T06:35:54Z Coast Guard news, an online source for the latest news concerning current and recent operations of the U.S. Coast Guard, has published an online article "2011 a Year of Coast Guard Achievements in Diversity". Coast Guard news reports that: The Coast Guard was cited by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management as a government-wide leader in diversity and inclusion best practices during 2011. That designation was earned through the hard work of the men and women in the Coast Guard’s Office of Diversity."

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