The Auxiliary Leadership and Development Program: Accelerating your Auxiliary Career

Leaders of the Auxiliary must possess the skills to ensure the success of their units and assist members in developing their skills and abilities. The necessary tools to help develop these skills can be obtained through the Auxiliary Leadership and Development Program (ALDP).

The ALDP intends to help all Auxiliarists be successful at every level of Auxiliary leadership, developing skills and providing the tools Auxiliarists need to lead other Auxiliarists. It also promotes a culture that is receptive and supportive of proven leadership principles that help improve leadership skills at the flotilla, division, district, and national levels. The Coast Guard’s Unit Leadership Development Program has also been modified to reflect the specific needs of the Auxiliary as a volunteer organization.

The ALDP emphasizes the interaction of all three components of the leadership development framework: The 28 Coast Guard Leadership Competencies, levels of responsibility, and various methods for gaining and demonstrating competency. This model is used throughout the entire Coast Guard and lists the knowledge, skills, and expertise that is expected from their leaders. The ALDP can be instrumental to their success both as an individual and also as a member of the team.

Five separate levels have been established within the ALDP that align with the Auxiliary’s chain of leadership. At each level, the program utilizes a series of Instructor-led Auxiliary leadership skills and knowledge courses along with various self-guided courses and exams to test the comprehension of the 28 competencies. They are designed to create a strong foundation for members to build off of as they increase their roles and responsibilities and transition into higher levels of leadership within the Auxiliary. From there, the program expands further and offers members the opportunity to complete additional training, education, and other learning opportunities both inside and outside the Auxiliary.

Auxiliarists are in a unique position to participate in the Coast Guard’s numerous missions and help promote positive change and service enhancement. The ALDP provides valuable information and tools needed to demonstrate leadership and provides resources for members to function effectively as a team and inspire others to be successful. All Auxiliarists are encouraged to participate in the program no matter what position they may hold. Additional information on the ALDP and available leadership training materials can be found on the Training Directorate’s website under “Leadership Development.”

By Matthew Thompson, Branch Assistant (Selectee) – Publications Support

The U.S. Coast Guard's 28 Leadership Competencies - Courtesy of Dr. Michael Brzezicki and the T-Directorate website.

Table of the "Levels of Leadership" outlining courses and perquisites for each level - Courtesy of Dr. Michael Brzezicki

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary’s Leadership Course Continuum within the Auxiliary Leadership Development Program outlining specialty courses as members move through the levels of leadership Courtesy of Dr. Michael Brzezicki




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