BoatUS Grants Available to Flotillas; Deadline 17 December

The BoatUS Grassroots Grants Program is an online grant program which makes funds available to nonprofit organizations, boating clubs and student groups for projects that promote safe and/or clean boating on local waterways. The link to their official application guidelines is The deadline for receiving grant applications is no later than midnight on December 17, 2012.

Flotillas may submit applications directly to BoatUS under the Association's nonprofit status. Applications from flotillas that are approved by BoatUS are then transmitted to the Association for signing by the Director of Development. BoatUS normally issues a check for all awards made to the Association which will process individual flotilla checks to the recipients. Flotillas receiving awards are required to complete all requirements and reports required by BoatUS, and, to provide copies of all such reports to the Association for official files. Contact the Association's Director of Development at should you have any questions. Again, complete application information is available at

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